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New Free Oil Painting Community

Join our FREE online group “Great Oil Painting Tuition” and become a leader in our new creative community

Since 2007 our painting school has been a place where dedicated oil painters can converge to share, learn and grow together. Over the Christmas break I was dismayed by the misinformation, exclusion and narrow mindedness which oil painters looking for an online group to call their own experience across social media.

So for the New Year I’d like to invite you to join and contribute to our new FREE online group Great Oil Painting Tuition ,because I genuinely believe that together we can build a welcoming, nurturing inspiring and inclusive space for all oil painters.

Unlike restrictive Facebook art groups led by narrow minded admins, we are looking for leaders who share a vision to create a community which embraces diversity and open mindedness, welcoming painters of all abilities who want to share oil paintings created in any style.

Within Great Oil Painting Tuition creativity will flourish without boundaries, together we can work to create an inclusive space where varied perspectives and talents can converge.  As a member of our school I already know that you can make a valuable contribution, by sharing your inspirational work, contributing to community discussions, or simply by encouraging your painting friends to take part.

Start today by simply searching for Great Oil Painting Tuition on Facebook or click the link below to join. If you’re already a member of StudioTalk or Advanced Oils, then your membership is pre approved and you can simply join automatically by clicking the link.

A great way to start is by posting a bit about yourself, and some of your latest work. Mention the program you are on, because Great Oil Painting Tuition is a space where students from our separate private groups such as StudioTalk, Advanced Oils and the Diploma can meet and share their learning experiences, you may find many old colleagues on there.

I am personally committed to this project as I am appalled at the disinformation on oil painting out there  I’ll be posting topics, project ideas and more for you to use as a starting point to showcase your work and share your ideas with fellow artists, however you should feel free to start your own constructive conversations. By being a conversation starter you will not only be helping other oil painters to find their voice, but discover inspirational ideas for your own work.

By building a community of like minded oil painters free of narrow constraints and over restrictive rules, you’ll be creating not just a community, but an artistic sanctuary where you can share your latest works, and find inspiration for your next ones.

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