Recorded Classes
Watch on demand and learn as you paint at home
Recorded Classes - Coming Soon
Looking for in-depth tuition on a transformative oil painting skill? Join artist Martin Kinnear for a structured, live, and interactive three-part online masterclass in practical oil painting. Each course covers a specific stand-alone subject at the Advanced Oils level, so you can get a flavour of our in-depth tuition. You can watch the course live and interact with Martin via Zoom on the scheduled course dates, or watch on demand for up to 60 days; This makes it easy to fit your learning around any other commitments you may have.
Who's it for?
If you are an ambitious painter who is familiar with oil painting and looking for comprehensive training on transformative skills along with group critique, then our masterclasses are perfect for you.
Member Extras
Masterclasses include a private moderated Facebook Group for you to submit your work to for inclusion in group critique and a comprehensive set of notes to view online
What's Included
Each masterclass covers a standalone subject delivered over three 90 minute online sessions and backed up by a moderated private Facebook group You can watch the course live and interact with Martin through Zoom during the scheduled course dates, or watch the course on demand for up to 60 days after transmission of the final class.
What's Involved?
To get the best out of a masterclass, you will need to paint the studies demonstrated in the first lesson and post your work to a private Facebook group for inclusion in group moderation. To paint the studies you will need to be competent and have a well equipped oil painting home studio